Sermon Channel

  • One Step at a Time

    1 item

    We all face things that keep us stuck—habits, fears, or comfort zones that hold us back from experiencing the full and abundant life Jesus offers. Change can feel overwhelming, and sometimes the hardest part is knowing where to begin. What if we shift our focus? Instead of being overwhelmed by th...

  • How’s That Working For You?

    6 items

    As we enter a season of resolutions and fresh starts, it’s a great time to pause and ask, How is that working? Life often pulls us into unintentional rhythms and habits that seem right but may lead us away from God’s best. Join us as we examine the patterns shaping our lives and discover how God ...

  • The Light is Here

    5 items

  • What If
    4 items

    What If

    4 items

  • My Favorite Sins

    6 items

  • Firm Foundation

    6 items

    "And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love" (I Corinthians 13:13).

    Join us for the beginning of the fall season—as we get back into rhythms and routines—to remember why we are committed to live by faith, be a voice of hope, and be known by love. Learn what happens when we choose to be in...

  • Summer at Crossings 2024

    18 items

  • Quit Playing It Safe

    8 items

  • Holy Week 2024

    4 items

  • Story of Us

    3 items

    God's salvation plan didn't just start or end with Easter. There's more to the story of his love for us. Join us as we look at the bigger picture and see how God's pursuit of us unfolds.

  • Clarifying Questions

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    In the Bible God sometimes asks tough questions, pointed questions that make you stop and think about your life. The kind of questions that challenge you and encourage you to consider truly living the life he created you to live. Beginning Sunday, January 7, join Senior Pastor Marty Grubbs as he ...

  • Christmas at Crossings

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    Advent series about the anticipation Jesus' birth and a celebration of the hope, peace, joy, and love we can only find through him.

  • Voice of Hope

    12 items

    Part of our mission at Crossings is to be a Voice of Hope. This means we speak life into our families, our workplaces, and our communities by sharing the hope we have in Jesus. This series explores what it looks like as a church and as individuals to be a Voice of Hope within our communities.

  • Back to Basics

    4 items

    Life does not have to be so complicated and neither does our faith. As a Christ-centered church, everything we do is centered around the person of Jesus Christ. Our faith moves us to be a voice of hope and be known by love in our communities. In this series, Senior Pastor Marty Grubbs brings us b...

  • Summer at Crossings

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    The summer season allows us take a break from our typical routine and slow down (even if it's just a little bit!) Spend this summer with Crossings as we dive into Scripture to rejuvenate our souls for the busy fall season ahead.

  • Crisis Mode

    11 items

    Life with others can be hard in a world already full of struggles and conflicts. How can we build healthy relationships by rethinking our misconceptions and focusing on what really matters?

    Crisis Mode explores the struggles and conflicts in marriages, families, and other relationships. Senior P...

  • Holy Week 2023

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    Join Crossings Community Church as we celebrate Holy Week this year.

  • Prayer
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    God’s house is to be a house of prayer, and God’s people are to be people of prayer. The Bible contains many examples of prayer and plenty of encouragement to pray.

    Prayer is how we express gratitude to God, how we request his help on behalf of others, and how we endure through trials and tempta...

  • One Another

    7 items

    Does Jesus inform how we should interact with each other? Does he have a preference for our attitude and behavior in the different relationships we may have?

    Loving one another sounds easy and even desirable, yet we all know "loving others" can be challenging! So what would it look like to "love...

  • Who is This Man?

    Guest Pastor John Ortberg explores Jesus' impact on history and how he changed the way we think about everything. '

  • Could This Be?

    4 items

    Those anticipating a Messiah were expecting a triumphal king, a righteous priest, and a great prophet. Someone to redeem, to save, and to rescue.

    On a quiet night in Bethlehem, a baby was born in unlikely circumstances to unsuspecting parents. So, how could this be the Savior? How could a humble...

  • Fruit of the Spirit

    9 items

    In the book of Galatians, Paul outlines the Fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. We desire to experience and share these traits as the result of the Holy Spirit’s presence in our lives, but it can be easier said than done...

  • Radical
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    7 items

    When you say you’re a follower of Christ, are you ready for what that really means? As Christians, are we really ready to “take up our cross and follow him?” The stakes are high, and opportunity is significant. This calls for radical actions based on a radical commitment to the one who demonstrat...

  • Summer in the Psalms

    10 items

    Summer in the Psalms explores one of the most diverse books of the Bible and the wisdom in these songs of worship to God. The Psalms remind us of God’s nature and grace, and allow us to see from a new perspective how God walks with us through every trial and rejoices in our triumphs.