Firm Foundation

Firm Foundation

"And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love" (I Corinthians 13:13).

Join us for the beginning of the fall season—as we get back into rhythms and routines—to remember why we are committed to live by faith, be a voice of hope, and be known by love. Learn what happens when we choose to be intentional about how we live and how we love those around us (neighbors, coworkers, family, etc.).

Firm Foundation
  • Ep 1: What Is Faith?

    Senior Pastor Marty Grubbs explores what faith is and how we can live out our faith.

  • Ep 2: Hope in a Broken World

    In this message, Senior Pastor Marty Grubbs explained that hope is the anchor that sustains us through all of life's circumstances. Where do you place your hope? Watch this message to learn more.

  • Ep 3: Known By Love?

    What does it look like to love like Jesus did? Watch this message from Senior Pastor Marty Grubbs to learn how we can be known by love to our neighbors, friends, and family.

  • Ep 4: A Tale of Two Kings

    We all get to choose the foundation we're building our lives upon. Which foundation have you chosen? Watch this message from Pastor Terry Feix to learn why you should choose God as the foundation for your life.

  • Ep 5: A Loving Warning

    It's easy to let a number of things get in the way or distract us from gathering together with other Christ-followers. But, the author of Hebrews warns against "giving up meeting together," because the Christian life is a together life. Watch this message from Pastor Blake Bastin to learn why it ...

  • Ep 6: Faith, Hope, and Love in Real Time

    Do you try to generate your faith through willpower? Watch this message from Pastor John Ortberg to learn about true faith.