But God...
Terry Feix
Pastor Terry Feix continued in our I’ve Been Thinking series with a story from the book of John that captures the gospel message beautifully. Jesus was back in Cana, where he had performed his first miracle of his ministry, turning water into wine at a wedding. His second trip there, recorded in John 4, was right after he had met the Samaritan women at the well, revealing to her who he was through intimate knowledge of her story. After their encounter, she believed and went to tell others. Once in Cana, Jesus was approached by a royal official who had purposefully sought after him for the purpose of convincing Jesus to come with him to his home to heal is very sick son. Jesus explained he could heal the little boy without having to be with him physically, and in fact, would do just that. He told the royal official to go home to see that his son was healed. The man believed and he went. He believed Jesus was who he said he was, trusted he could do what he said he could, and obeyed his command to go. That’s the gospel. Believe, trust, and obey. Ephesians 2:1-5 How are you going to respond? Believe and act.
Up Next in Terry Feix
How Can We Trust God When Life is Goi...
Executive Pastor Terry Feix continued teaching in the book of Job, looking at chapters 36 and 37 where Elihu takes the focus that has been on Job and what could be causing his current trouble, and turns it to God. Elihu doesn’t blame God, but he reminds Job that God is consistently two things: Go...
Ep 1: Three Gifts of Advent: Love
Pastor Terry Feix begins the series of the Three Gifts of Advent by looking at Love.
Find the teaching notes here: https://docs.crossings.church/cccprod/Documents/ClassNotes/AdventLove2021.docx
Ep 3: Three Gifts of Advent: Peace
Pastor Terry Feix finishes the Three Gifts of Advent series with a message on Peace.
Find the teaching notes here: https://docs.crossings.church/cccprod/Documents/ClassNotes/Christmas%202021%20-%20Advent%20Peace%20-%20Handout.docx