Terry Feix

Terry Feix

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Terry Feix
  • Ep 1: Roman's Chapter 1

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  • Ep 2: Romans Chapter 2 & 3

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  • Ep 3: Romans Chapter 5 & 6

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  • Ep 5: Romans Chapter 7 & 8

    Find notes here: https://docs.crossings.church/cccprod/Documents/PDF/RomansCh7-8.pdf

  • Ep 1: The Archaeology of Christmas

    Find notes here: https://docs.crossings.church/cccprod/Documents/PDF/Archaeology1.pdf

  • Ep 2: The Archaeology of Christmas

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  • Ep 3: The Archaeology of Christmas

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  • Ep 1: The Secret of Contentment

    Pastor Terry Feix kicks off this new series about the book of Philippians.

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  • Ep 2: The Secret of Contentment

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  • Ep 3: The Secret of Contentment

    Find notes here: https://docs.crossings.church/cccprod/Documents/PDF/Philippians3.pdf

  • Ep 4: The Secret of Contentment

    Find notes here: https://docs.crossings.church/cccprod/Documents/PDF/Philippians3v2.pdf

  • Ep 5: The Secret of Contentment

    Find Notes Here: https://docs.crossings.church/cccprod/Documents/PDF/Philippians4.pdf

  • EP1 Introduction to Israel

    Join Pastor Terry Feix as he leads us on a 10 Day Study Tour Through Israel exploring the historical locations and stories we find in Scripture. In this episode Terry presents an overview of the upcoming series and previews the regions of Israel he will be exploring including, the Shephelah, the ...

  • EP2 The Threshing Floor

    Join Pastor Terry Feix for day one in the Shephelah between the coastal plains of the Mediterranean Sea and the mountains of Judea. In this episode Terry and local guide Yehuda Ashkenazi discuss the ancient practice of the "threshing floor" and the implications of "the vineyard" in Isaiah 5:1-7

  • EP3 Samson and Delilah - Beth Shemesh

    In this episode Terry explores the Biblical account of Samson and Delilah from Judges 14 and how the geography and setting of this story highlights the spiritual applications for us today. Yehuda also discusses the archeological significance of a Tel and how this helps us locate and understand Bi...

  • EP4 Broken Cistern

    Terry and Yehuda lead the group down into an ancient cistern and discuss how the Biblical analogy of the "broken cistern" in Jeremiah 2 paints a vivid image of God's warning against the pursuit of the false gods that will never be able to provide or satisfy our needs.

  • EP5 David and Goliath - Tel Azekah

    Terry discusses the battle of David & Goliath from the actual location it occurred, and how this story depicts the way God works through the seemingly impossible story of a young shepherd boy who had faith in God. 1 Samuel 17.

  • EP6 Bonus Feature - Herod The Great

    Bonus Feature: Yehuda discusses the life of Herod the Great and his impact on the story of Israel and leads the group through an ancient columbaria, an underground cave where pigeons were kept.

  • Israel: A Journey Through the Holy Land

    Season one premieres October 9! Follow along on this 10-day study tour through Israel as Terry Feix brings the stories of the Bible to life in the historical locations and regions they occurred. Terry is also joined by local guide Yehuda Ashkenazi who provides additional insights to the archeolog...

  • Ep 1: What is the Church?

    Pastor Terry Feix talks about the early days of the church.

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  • Ep 2: The Church as a Community

    Pastor Terry Feix talks about the early Christian community in Acts 2 & 4, and the nature of humanity and the governance of nations.

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  • Ep 3: Conflict with Jewish Authority

    Pastor Terry Feix talks about the church's resilience in conflict with Jewish authority

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  • Ep 4: Stephen & Saul

    Find notes here: https://docs.crossings.church/cccprod/Documents/PDF/C&S4.pdf

  • Ep 5: External and Internal Conflict Threatens the Church

    Pastor Terry Feix talks about Saul, Barnabas, and conflict within the church.

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