Sermon on the Mount

Sermon on the Mount

The teachings of Jesus reveal something much greater than we constantly hear from the world. Jesus shows us ways we can withstand the pressures of life and change our perspective on what a good life looks like. But what is he offering us? How can we put it into practice?

Jesus’ teaching in the Sermon on the Mount turned the wisdom of the world upside down and showed us a better way of living that only exists when we put our trust in him. This radical new way is dedicated to God and free from hypocrisy and judgment.

During October and November, be part of our fall series, The Sermon on the Mount, and discover how to apply the teachings of Jesus to your daily life and the community around you.

Sermon on the Mount
  • Ask. Seek. Knock.

    Senior Pastor Marty Grubbs continued in the Sermon on the Mount series focusing on prayer. Throughout his life, Jesus taught about prayer many times. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus preached about prayer through three words: Ask, seek, and knock. Asking God is only part of prayer. Sometimes it ...

  • What Do You Treasure?

    Senior Pastor Marty Grubbs continued in the Sermon on the Mount series focusing on what we treasure. In his most famous sermon, Jesus touched on many topics, including the difference between earthly and heavenly treasures. As Marty explained, Jesus tells us:
    • What we typically treasure is tempo...

  • The Christian's Uncommon Call

    Andy Rauschkolb, Pastor to Young Adults, continued in our Sermon on the Mount series. Jesus was addressing the crowd and was in the section of the sermon where he was saying, “You have heard that it was said ... but I tell you ...” When Jesus says, “I tell you,” it is a time to sit up and take no...

  • Moses and Jesus: Sermon on the Mount Series

    Pastor Terry Feix continued our series on the Sermon on the Mount, explaining the covenants God made with his people. The old covenant was built on the law that was given to Moses. God gave commandments, or rules, to guide a nation, Israel, to give them a way into righteousness, a law of works (s...

  • Built to Last

    Senior Pastor Marty Grubbs continued our series on the Sermon on the Mount, jumping to the end and where Jesus uses a parable explaining how to receive and act upon his words. Jesus knew his listeners would hear his words and return to their lives. He told them they had a choice to make when they...

  • Christian Influence

    Andy Rauschkolb, pastor to young adults, continued in our series on the Sermon on the Mount. Turning from the Beatitudes which promise the blessings of the blessed, Jesus calls his followers to a new kind of life. This life is to be lived out loud, not kept to oneself. The message of Jesus, the G...

  • Radical

    Senior Pastor Marty Grubbs kicked off our new series on the Sermon on the Mount. Over the next seven weeks we will look at this most famous sermon; its meaning for all, its blessings to followers of Jesus, and its call for change and commitment to Jesus. Those in the audience when Jesus preached ...

  • Do Not Worry

    Senior Pastor Marty Grubbs continued our Sermon on the Mount series, addressing the topic of worry. He explained the difference between concern and worry. Concern is a healthy state of being that can motivate change. Worry, on the other hand, can damage us and our lives. Worry puts our focus on t...

  • The Narrow and Wide Gates

    This week, well-known author, speaker, and pastor, John Ortberg, continued in our series on the Sermon on the Mount. John explained the meaning of the narrow and wide gate Jesus refers to in Matthew chapter 7. The narrow gate does not represent those who “get in” to heaven, it represents the devo...