Ep 5: Why Should We Be Kind?
Kim Gilliam
This week, Pastor Kim Gilliam, continued in our series, Fruit of the Spirit, by focusing on kindness. She defined kindness as a supernaturally generous orientation of our hearts toward other people, even when they don’t deserve it or don’t love us in return, a generosity of spirit.
Kindness is:
• giving someone the benefit of the doubt when they probably don’t deserve it
• being generous with your resources - your time, money, skills, your stuff.
• taking someone at their word.
• a heart that’s delighted when good things happen for others.
• It’s a spirit of generosity in all things.
God is kind. Jesus came so that we might know that kindness, so let’s be kind, because this world needs to know the same kind God that we do.
“Kindness is loaning someone your strength instead of reminding them of their weakness.” – Andy Stanley
Up Next in Kim Gilliam
What is the Bible?
This video will explain what the Bible is, how it applies to our life, and why it is trustworthy.