Andy Rauschkolb

Andy Rauschkolb

Andy Rauschkolb
  • So What is Advent?

    "Christmastime is finally here! The beginning of December marks the beginning of Advent. In this podcast we answer the question, What is Advent? We talk about the history of Advent, what it means, and how we as Christians can practice it now as a way to draw closer to Jesus in this busy season.

  • The Christian's Uncommon Call

    Andy Rauschkolb, Pastor to Young Adults, continued in our Sermon on the Mount series. Jesus was addressing the crowd and was in the section of the sermon where he was saying, “You have heard that it was said ... but I tell you ...” When Jesus says, “I tell you,” it is a time to sit up and take no...

  • Christian Influence

    Andy Rauschkolb, pastor to young adults, continued in our series on the Sermon on the Mount. Turning from the Beatitudes which promise the blessings of the blessed, Jesus calls his followers to a new kind of life. This life is to be lived out loud, not kept to oneself. The message of Jesus, the G...

  • Cultivating Spiritual Growth

    Andy Rauschkolb, pastor to young adults, continued in our series Building a Life That Matters with a focus on spiritual growth. Spiritual growth doesn’t just happen in us. Healthy growth requires being planted in God, cultivating growth, and trusting God with the growth. This foundation will lead...

  • Remember

    We tend to forget who God is, what has done for us, and who we are in him. Listen to this week's message from Crossings Young Adults Pastor, Andy Rauschkolb.

  • Good News of Great Joy

    Pastor Andy Rauschkolb kicked off our new series with a powerful message of the Gospel, the Good News of the Kingdom of God. Andy defined the Good News: Through Jesus Christ, God fully accomplishes salvation for us, rescuing us from judgment for our sin and into fellowship with him, and not only ...

  • Unwanted Invitations

    Pastor Andy Rauschkolb gave a powerful message on temptation as he continued teaching from the book of Luke, reminding us that we have an adversary: Satan. He wants to destroy us by destroying our relationship with God, and his first and best tool for this is temptation. The good news is we also ...

  • Jesus, Prayer, and Us

    Pastor Andy Rauschkolb taught from various Bible passages to help us define and understand prayer. First by what prayer is not. It is not a way to manipulate God to get what we want, it is not a box on a Christian checklist, and it is not transactional. Prayer is communing with God, being with hi...

  • The Cost of Following Jesus

    Pastor Andy Rauschkolb continued teaching from the book of Luke focusing on the cost of following Jesus. While salvation comes by mercy and grace, and is a priceless gift, following Jesus carries a cost. To align with Jesus’ life and ministry, the cost will be great. It will cost you relationally...

  • Freed to be Generous

    In this series "A Deeply Formed Life" we talk about fundamentals in the Christian life, this week we're talking about how we are "Free to Be Generous" and what living a life of generosity looks like.

  • Committing to Community

    What does it look like to be "Committed to Community"? How does community impact our relationship with God? In this message Andy addresses how we form community and why it matters so much for the Christian.


    We often drift into thinking God is smaller and worse than He is, but the Bible shows us over and over that God is bigger and better than we can possibly fathom. And He desires a relationship with you, that we would be with Him.


    At first glance these two things, justice and mercy are seemingly incompatible. but join us this we as Andy speak on how these two characteristics work in tandem to show God's holy love.

  • God is LOVE

    “What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.”
    ― A.W. Tozer

    If this is true, if what we think about God really is the most important thing about us, the one factor upon which hinges the quality of our lives now and into eternity,
    and what we think about...

  • God is GOOD

    "Who is God?" and "Is HE Good?" are two of the most important questions we can answer. As we kick off our "God Is ____." series Andy addresses these questions and shows us how God has revealed His goodness to us.

  • Relationship Crisis

    This week Andy spoke on the "Relationship Crisis". We are in the loneliest generation there has ever been, yet we are the most connected, why is that? Why is having genuine connection and friendship so hard In as a young adult? Andy talks about why we need community, the importance of choosing we...

  • Who Jesus Is

    Who is Jesus? What does He ask of his followers? Join us as we dive into an encounter Jesus had with his disciples asking "Who do you say I am?", and as consider what it means for us to answer the very same question.

  • The Bad News and The Good News

    At some point you have to know the bad news so that the good news IS good news. In this message we dive into the bad news of our human condition, and the good news of the saving work done through Jesus Christ.

  • A Faith That Amazes

    We are always looking for something amazing…but have you ever thought about whether Jesus could be amazed by something? The answer is YES he can.

  • Ep 4: A Kingdom Prayer

    This week Pastor Andy Rauschkolb continued in our Kingdom Culture series, looking at Colossians 4 where Paul talks about prayer with a kingdom mindset. Mindset—or what we set our mind to—is rooted in what we think about or pray about. In this passage, Paul’s mindset is on Jesus. His prayer is int...

  • Ep 3: A Kingdom Mindset

    "This week Andy Rauschkolb, pastor to young adults, continued in the series, Kingdom Culture: A study of the book of Colossians. The first fourteen verses in chapter three capture the Kingdom mindset. As recapped by Andy: A Kingdom mindset is:
    • Setting your heart and mind on Christ
    • Putting to ...

  • Ep 2: The King of the Kingdom

    "This week Pastor Andy Rauschkolb continued in the new series, Kingdom Culture–a study of the book of Colossians. Studying chapter 1, verses 13-22, Andy defined who Jesus is in relation to the kingdom, to us, to God, and to the world. We need to remember and focus on the centrality, supremacy, pr...

  • Ep 1: Kingdom Culture

    " This week Pastor Andy Rauschkolb kicked off the new series, Kingdom Culture—a study of the book of Colossians. The people in the church of Colossi were in difficult and dark circumstances due to economic and other issues, yet they were faithful and continued to live a kingdom culture.
    Kingdom c...

  • A Saving Faith

    In this message, Andy talks about Faith vs. Works. Can you have one with out the other? He also addresses what makes a faith a saving faith,