Jesus, Prayer, and Us
Andy Rauschkolb
Pastor Andy Rauschkolb taught from various Bible passages to help us define and understand prayer. First by what prayer is not. It is not a way to manipulate God to get what we want, it is not a box on a Christian checklist, and it is not transactional. Prayer is communing with God, being with him. The Holy Spirit dwells in us, and is with us at all times. Prayer is leaning into that knowledge. Using Jesus as a model, Andy highlighted certain points of prayer for us to work into our prayer life.
• Jesus had a time and a place: make time.
• Jesus had a plan to pray: if we don’t set our priorities, the urgent will win out over the important.
• Jesus had a purpose in prayer: align our will to God’s will.
• Jesus taught a pattern to pray: worship, bring our needs, confess and ask for forgiveness, seek to forgive others, and strength to fight temptation.
Up Next in Andy Rauschkolb
The Cost of Following Jesus
Pastor Andy Rauschkolb continued teaching from the book of Luke focusing on the cost of following Jesus. While salvation comes by mercy and grace, and is a priceless gift, following Jesus carries a cost. To align with Jesus’ life and ministry, the cost will be great. It will cost you relationally...
Freed to be Generous
In this series "A Deeply Formed Life" we talk about fundamentals in the Christian life, this week we're talking about how we are "Free to Be Generous" and what living a life of generosity looks like.
Committing to Community
What does it look like to be "Committed to Community"? How does community impact our relationship with God? In this message Andy addresses how we form community and why it matters so much for the Christian.