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Ep. 6 - Graphic Designer by trade / Pastor by Calling: Matt Cartwright

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Ep. 5 - Social Work to Church Work: Natalie Haymaker

The Journey

Up Next in The Journey

  • Ep. 6 - Graphic Designer by trade / P...

    Marty discusses how the Church helps redeem relationships and explores an unexpected journey of a graphic designer with Matt Cartwright, Pastor of Adult Education and Men’s Ministry.

  • Ep. 7 - Giving Thanks in All Circumst...

    Marty talks with Lyn Watson, Executive Pastor, and delves into what it means to give thanks in all circumstances and how we can slow down in a culture that is pushing us to constantly “be on the go.”

  • Ep. 8 - Where Change Begins: Shari Mu...

    Shari Murphy, LPC/LMFT is a licensed counselor and pastor at Crossings. She has spent almost two decades walking with people through the dark valleys of their life and believes that in these dark valleys, God brings healing and hope.