Terry Feix

Terry Feix

Terry Feix
  • Ep 2: The End of the World as We Know It; Summer Series 2020

    How do we confront fear, anxiety, and rage in our culture?
    Crossings Community Church
    Executive Pastor Terry Feix
    July 19, 2020

  • Ep 6: Standing For Those in Need

    Small acts of loving kindness can change the world.
    Crossings Community Church
    Executive Pastor Terry Feix
    September 27, 2020

  • Moses and Jesus: Sermon on the Mount Series

    Pastor Terry Feix continued our series on the Sermon on the Mount, explaining the covenants God made with his people. The old covenant was built on the law that was given to Moses. God gave commandments, or rules, to guide a nation, Israel, to give them a way into righteousness, a law of works (s...

  • But God...

    Pastor Terry Feix continued in our I’ve Been Thinking series with a story from the book of John that captures the gospel message beautifully. Jesus was back in Cana, where he had performed his first miracle of his ministry, turning water into wine at a wedding. His second trip there, recorded in ...

  • How Can We Trust God When Life is Going Wrong?

    Executive Pastor Terry Feix continued teaching in the book of Job, looking at chapters 36 and 37 where Elihu takes the focus that has been on Job and what could be causing his current trouble, and turns it to God. Elihu doesn’t blame God, but he reminds Job that God is consistently two things: Go...

  • Ep 1: Three Gifts of Advent: Love

    Pastor Terry Feix begins the series of the Three Gifts of Advent by looking at Love.

    Find the teaching notes here: https://docs.crossings.church/cccprod/Documents/ClassNotes/AdventLove2021.docx

  • Ep 3: Three Gifts of Advent: Peace

    Pastor Terry Feix finishes the Three Gifts of Advent series with a message on Peace.

    Find the teaching notes here: https://docs.crossings.church/cccprod/Documents/ClassNotes/Christmas%202021%20-%20Advent%20Peace%20-%20Handout.docx

  • Ep 1: Behind the Scenes

    Pastor Terry Feix begins the Story Behind Christmas Series.

    Find the teaching notes here: https://docs.crossings.church/cccprod/Documents/ClassNotes/StoryBehindChristmas22Lesson1.docx

  • Ep 2: The Plan to Stop the Messiah

    For Further Discussion:
    • Are you surprised by how long God worked to redeem us? Are you surprised how hard Satan tried to stop it?
    • The Jewish people were chosen by God to play a role in his plan of redemption. Despite their frequent unfaithfulness to God, they survived – why do you think tha...

  • Ep 3: Angels at Work in the Story

    For Further Discussion:
    • God’s grace takes many forms as he provides for us. Do you think he sometimes uses angels in the process today?
    • While Satan is planning large-scale destruction, God seems to work in subtle, sometimes small, ways. Why do you think that may be?
    • Share some ways God h...