Terry Feix

Terry Feix

Terry Feix
  • A Study of Nehemiah - Part 2

    In this lesson, Terry covers the timeframe between Nehemiah's character in Chapter 1 vs. Chapter 2.

    Find the teaching notes here: https://docs.crossings.church/cccprod/Documents/ClassNotes/NehemiahPart2.docx

  • A Study of Nehemiah - Part 3

    In this lesson, Terry covers Nehemiah's first leadership principles of pray and prepare.

    Find the teaching notes here: https://docs.crossings.church/cccprod/Documents/ClassNotes/NehemiahPart3.docx

  • A Study of Nehemiah - Part 4

    In this lesson, Terry covers Nehemiah chapter 4 and his 4th leadership principle.

    Find the teaching notes here: https://docs.crossings.church/cccprod/Documents/ClassNotes/NehemiahPart4.dox

  • A Study of Nehemiah - Part 5

    In this lesson, Terry covers Nehemiah 5 and 6 with his fifth leadership principle.

    Find the teaching notes here: https://docs.crossings.church/cccprod/Documents/ClassNotes/NehemiahPart5.docx

  • A Study of Nehemiah - Part 6

    In this lesson, Terry covers Nehemiah 6-8 while revealing the 6th leadership principle.

    Find the teaching notes here: https://docs.crossings.church/cccprod/Documents/ClassNotes/NehemiahPart6.docx

  • A Study of Nehemiah - Part 7

    In this lesson, Terry covers the timeline from Nehemiah to Daniel.

    Find the teaching notes here: https://docs.crossings.church/cccprod/Documents/ClassNotes/NehemiahPart7.docx

  • A Study of Nehemiah - Part 8

    In this lesson, Terry wraps up the book of Nehemiah by reviewing the Roman Empire's expansion.

    Find the teaching notes here: https://docs.crossings.church/cccprod/Documents/ClassNotes/NehemiahPart8.docx

  • Ep 1: John 1 - The Logos

    The Gospel of John begins with an intentional parallel with Genesis chapter 1. Why?

    Find the teaching notes here: https://docs.crossings.church/cccprod/Documents/ClassNotes/StoriesinGospelsJohn1.docx

  • Ep 2: John 3:16

    John 3:16 is one of the most recognizable and quoted verses in the whole Bible. What does it say?

  • Ep 3: Luke 5:1-11

    In Luke 5, Jesus and the disciples start out fishing in the Sea of Galilee. What happens next?

    Find the teaching notes here: https://docs.crossings.church/cccprod/Documents/ClassNotes/StoriesinGospels032322.docx

  • Ep 4: Matthew 21:12-13

    Anger is a touchy subject when it comes to Christians. But what about when Jesus gets angry?

    Find the teaching notes here: https://docs.crossings.church/cccprod/Documents/ClassNotes/StoriesinGospels-Matthew21.docx

  • Ep 5: Mark 5:21-42

    Jairus and the Woman with the Issue of Blood have more in common than you would think.

    Pastor, Ministry Opportunities and Teaching

  • Ep 6: Matthew 7:21-23 "Lord, Lord"

    Jesus places much more emphasis on obedience than following him. What is the difference?

    Find the teaching notes here: https://docs.crossings.church/cccprod/Documents/ClassNotes/StoriesinGospels-Matthew7-Handout.docx

  • Ep 9: John 18:28-19:16 "Jesus and Pilate"

    In this lesson, Terry discusses Pontius Pilate and his interactions with Jesus.

    Find the teaching notes here: https://docs.crossings.church/cccprod/Documents/ClassNotes/StoriesinGospelsJohn18.docx

  • Ep 1: The Temptation of Christ

    Pastor Terry Feix begins the series with a message on the Temptation of Christ.

    Find the teaching notes here: https://docs.crossings.church/cccprod/Documents/ClassNotes/STLB-1.docx

  • Ep 2: The Two Debtors

    Pastor Terry Feix continues teaching through the Gospel of Luke with a message on the Two Debtors.

    Find the teaching notes here: https://docs.crossings.church/cccprod/Documents/ClassNotes/STLB-2.docx

  • Ep 3: The Four Types of Soil

    Pastor Terry Feix continues teaching through Luke with a message on the four types of soil.

    Find the teaching notes here: https://docs.crossings.church/cccprod/Documents/ClassNotes/STLB-3.docx

  • Ep 5: The Resurrection Story

    Pastor Terry Feix finishes teaching through Luke with a message on the resurrection story.

    Find the teaching notes here: https://docs.crossings.church/cccprod/Documents/ClassNotes/STLB-5.docx

  • Ep 4: Luke 21: The Widow's Offering

    Pastor Terry Feix continues teaching through Luke with a message on the widow's offering.

    Find the teaching notes here: https://docs.crossings.church/cccprod/Documents/ClassNotes/STLB-4.docx

  • Ep 6: How do we know the Bible is true and trustworthy?

    This week Executive Pastor Terry Feix continued in our series, Radical: Stop Playing It Safe, with a message on his journey to find Radical Truth. After exploring (and embracing some) various ways of living and belief systems such as karma, living a personal truth, Buddhism, and agnosticism, he d...

  • Ep 2: Living by faith in turbulent times

    This week Executive Pastor Terry Feix continued our Movementum series, looking back in biblical history to the book of Habakkuk. Habakkuk was a prophet of great faith and brought questions to God about what he saw around him. Living in a time similar to ours, Habakkuk looked to God to bring about...

  • Maundy Thursday Sermon 2019

  • A Perspective on Holy Week

  • Ep 2: The End of the World as We Know It; Summer Series 2020

    How do we confront fear, anxiety, and rage in our culture?
    Crossings Community Church
    Executive Pastor Terry Feix
    July 19, 2020