Oakley Winters

Oakley Winters

Oakley Winters
  • So What About My Dating Questions? Q&A

    So What about your dating questions? Y'all have questions on question about dating, and this week we wanted to hear from you! This week y'all submitted questions and Andy, Oakley and Paige are answering them. SPOILER.... we also give you some great date ideas in this podcast if you're in OKC!

  • So What About Making Decisions?

    Decisions, decisions, decisions.... Sometimes it feels like your young adult years are just one decision after another, and that can be overwhelming to say the least. This week on So What? We talk about how to make wise decisions, AND how to make decisions in a way that is honoring to the Lord.

  • So What About Forgiveness?

    This week we're talking about forgiveness. As christians, we are called to "...forgive as Christ forgave us", but what does that look like? And answering the question, "how do I forgive someone when they are not asking for it?". Todd Poe, the digital discipleship pastor and former long-time couns...

  • So What is Prayer?

    Prayer, it is something that is vital in our relationship with God, but why? What is it, how do you do it, and why is it important? This is the second podcast in our “Back to The Basics'' series on “So What? There are so many different terms and ideas that get tossed around at church, but do we a...

  • So What About Alcohol?

    This week we’re talking about Alcohol. All kinds of questions come up around this topic in our young adult years like, can christians drink? Or go out? What does the Bible say about it? We're answering these questions and more on this weeks episode.

  • So What is the Church?

    “The Church” is a concept that most of us are familiar with, but what is it exactly? In this week’s episode we are answering questions like “What is the church, how did it come about?” and “What should we expect from church, and what should the church expect from us?” and more.
    “So What?” is a po...

  • So What is Confession and Repentance?

    Confession and Repentance is a concept that we see all throughout scripture, but it isn’t something that we see practiced often. In this podcast, we talk about the difference between the two, how to practice them, and why it is so vital for our faith.