Oakley Winters

Oakley Winters

Oakley Winters
  • Ep 2: What Did Jesus Do?

  • Ep 5: Wisdom in Friendship

  • Ep 2: Kinsman Redeemer

    Oakley Alva
    October 19, 2021

  • Ep 4: Dating Q&A Panel

    November 23, 2021

  • So What is Contentment?

    It's the last "So What?" of 2022! This week on "So What?" we're talking about contentment-it is something that we all strive for, but seems so difficult to obtain. In this podcast, we define commitment, address some of the barriers keeping us from contentment, and talk about why it is so importan...

  • So What is Advent?

    "Christmastime is finally here! The beginning of December marks the beginning of Advent. In this podcast we answer the question, What is Advent? We talk about the history of Advent, what it means, and how we as Christians can practice it now as a way to draw closer to Jesus in this busy season.

  • A Heart of Hospitality

    In this message, Oakley Alva looks at 3 ways tonight that cultivating a heart of hospitality will allow us to both walk in the fullness of being known in relationships and serve others like Jesus to show our lonely world the tangible love of Christ.

  • God is REDEEMER

    In this message, Oakley walks us through the story of redemption story throughout scripture, and how while we were still in the depths of our sin, God made a way to redeem us and restore our relationship with Him.

  • God is PERSONAL

    In this message, "God Is Personal", Oakley teaches us see how God is personal. How we can allow ourselves to really believe that not only can we have a personal relationship with God, but God desires this type of relationship with His children and makes it available to all.

  • Jesus' Response to Our Sin

    In this message, Oakley Alva shows us Jesus' encounter with a woman caught in adultery. It show us how Jesus responds to our sin; our need for Savior that is both incredibly caring, and yet takes our brokenness seriously. Requiring that we turn away from our sinful ways and walk in the light. The...

  • Invitation to the Disciples

    As we kick off our "Come & See" series, we take a look at Jesus; His character, His invitations, and how He engages people. What we see see from the very beginning is this: The heart of Jesus is one that so clearly values and loves people, to the extent that He doesn’t allow them to stay hopeles...

  • Be Doers of The Word

    In this message we go through the last section of James 1, unpacking major truths about both hearing and doing the word. We’ll look at various commands followed with the “why” behind them, seeing how obedience is the hallmark of the true child of God. A changed life reflects a transformed heart.

  • Ep 8: Hope in Times of Trouble

    This week Oakley Alva continued in our series, Summer in the Psalms, acknowledging there are times where we question God’s goodness, especially in times of grief or trouble. Asaph, the author of Psalm 77 is an example of how to find comfort and consolation in those days. In days of trouble:
    • See...

  • How God's Word Changes Us

    In this message, "How God's Word Changes Us", Oakley Alva teaches us the importance of devoting to God's word, and benefit that it has on our walk with the Lord.

  • Decision Crisis

    In this message, Oakley speaks on the decisions that we make in our young adult years, how to navigate them biblically, and ultimately the most important decision we will make.

  • Ruth Chapter 4: God Continues to Provide

    Boaz goes directly to the elders of the city and publicly discusses the matter of redeeming Ruth. After receiving the right to redeem Ruth, Boaz immediately takes her as his wife and the whole town speaks blessing over their relationship! Boaz was a flawed, imperfect human, but this redemption st...

  • Ruth Chapter 3: The Path to Redemption

    After the harvest season is over, future plans must be made. Naomi recognizes that Boaz is one of their family's kinsman redeemers. This means that he can take Ruth as his wife, securing provision for both Ruth and Naomi. Ruth goes to Boaz in the middle of the night and asks if he would take her ...

  • The Book of Ruth: Plot Twist

    All good movies include some sort of plot twist. When we're watching our favorite film and the unexpected happens, it keeps us on our toes wanting more. But, when we walk through our own plot twists in life, it can easily make us frustrated, leaving us questioning everything. The story of Ruth is...

  • Ruth Chapter 1: And Then There Were Two

    After Naomi's husband and sons all die, she grieves deeply and decides it's best if she returns to her homeland of Bethlehem. Ruth chooses to follow, even though that would mean leaving behind everything she's ever known. One of the most important passages in this story is found in Chapter 1 when...

  • Ruth Chapter 2: Boaz Enters The Chat

    So far in our story, Ruth has navigated tremendous loss, displayed incredible faith by trusting in God as she followed her mother-in-law, and willingly left behind all the comforts that were familar to her to head straight into the unknown. When they get back to Bethlehem. Ruth sets out to work i...

  • So What About Social Media?

    Welcome to the "So What?" Podcast! In this episode, we want to share with you why we wanted to start a podcast, and then dive straight into social media. How it affects us, if Christians should use it, if so, how? And everything in between.

  • The Person I'm Dating Has Red Flags, So What?

    Are red flags really thattt big of an issue? In this episode we're talking about red flags to look for in dating, and how to navigate the dating process in a way that is honoring one to another and to the Lord.