Marty Grubbs

Marty Grubbs

Marty Grubbs
  • Ep 11: Extravagant Gratitude

    Watch this message from Senior Pastor Marty Grubbs where he explores David's gratitude for the Lord and his provision during David's life (from 1 Chronicles 28 & 29).

  • Voice of Hope: Continuing a Legacy of Faith and Generosity

    As a Christ-centered church, we are dedicated to helping people find and follow Jesus. We will be a church who lives by faith, is a voice of hope, and is known by love. For more information and to get involved visit

    "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and pea...

  • Voices of Hope: Crossings Mayfair

    In a historic move for Oklahoma City, Mayfair Church of Christ became Crossings Mayfair in 2023. Pastor Marty Grubbs and Mayfair Pastor Jared Chamberlain give a first look at the building and what is to come at Crossings Mayfair. For more information and to get involved visit

  • Ep 1: Messes, Ministry, & Miracles

    Senior Pastor Marty Grubbs begins the series on getting Back to the Basics.

  • Ep 2: What Do You Treasure?

    Jesus explains in Matthew 6:21, "Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be" It's important to know what we treasure, so we can determine what is important to us. Watch this message from Senior Pastor Marty Grubbs to learn more!

  • Ep 3: Are you an admirer or a follower of Jesus?

    An admirer is impressed while a follower is devoted. Would you like to discover what it’s like to live the Ephesians 3:20 life? Watch this message from Senior Pastor Marty Grubbs to learn more.

  • Ep 1: Can We Get Along?

    Broken relationships are a frequent and common side effect of the human condition, but Jesus can help us bring healing to our relationships. Watch this message from Senior Pastor Marty Grubbs as he gives us 6 habits to strengthen our relationships.

  • Ep 2: Strangers in a Strange Land

    Exile is simply being in a place we don’t want to be, whether from consequences of our own actions or from situations beyond our control. God did not forsake the Jews during their exile, and he won’t forsake us now. Watch this message from Senior Pastor Marty Grubbs to learn more.

  • Ep 4: The Unseen Killer of Relationships

    Senior Pastor Marty Grubbs talks about hardheartedness.

  • Ep 5: Uniquely You

    Senior Pastor Marty Grubbs talks about Mother's Day and women in leadership.

  • Ep 9: Divorce: Not What We Had in Mind

    Senior Pastor Marty Grubbs explores the history of divorce from a biblical perspective.

  • Ep 10: A Father's Love

    In Luke 15, Jesus tells the parable of the prodigal son to paint a picture of God, the perfect father, who loves us.

  • Ep. 1 - NBA Mascot to Church Pastor: Marc Taylor

    Marc Taylor has done everything; he's lived overseas, been an NBA Mascot, and is now a Pastor. The Journey with Senior Pastor Marty Grubbs explores God's extraordinary work in everyday people.

  • Ep. 2- A Basketball Injury and a Prayer Changed Everything: Marq Youngblood

    Marty looks back with Marq Youngblood to a significant injury and a prayer that changed his life’s direction and eventually led him to Crossings as Executive Pastor of Missions Ministries.
    This episode discusses the topic of suicide. If you or someone you know is struggling with suicidal thoughts...

  • Ep. 3 - A Church Invite that Changed My Life: Jenny Brown

    Marty sits down with Jenny Brown, Kid’s Pastor, and her amazing story of how one invite to church changed the trajectory of her life.

  • Ep. 4 - A Journey Through Cancer: Ron Mahn

    Marty walks through the challenges Ron Mahn, Pastor of LifeCare Ministries, went through from a difficult diagnosis to experiencing ultimate healing only found in Christ.

  • Ep. 5 - Social Work to Church Work: Natalie Haymaker

    Marty speaks with Natalie Haymaker, Director of Local Missions, about the community impact she is witnessing in her move from social work to Church work.

  • Ep. 6 - Graphic Designer by trade / Pastor by Calling: Matt Cartwright

    Marty discusses how the Church helps redeem relationships and explores an unexpected journey of a graphic designer with Matt Cartwright, Pastor of Adult Education and Men’s Ministry.

  • Ep. 7 - Giving Thanks in All Circumstances: Lyn Watson

    Marty talks with Lyn Watson, Executive Pastor, and delves into what it means to give thanks in all circumstances and how we can slow down in a culture that is pushing us to constantly “be on the go.”

  • Marty at the New Room | Bristol, UK

  • Heritage of the Hymns Tour Documentary

    Join Pastor Larry Harrison and the Voices of Crossings Choir, Dr. Cliff Sanders with the School of Wesleyan Studies, & Senior Pastor Marty Grubbs on a journey through England as they explore the rich heritage of John Wesley and the stories behind some of the most famous hymns of all time.

  • Easter Sunday 2023 - He is Risen!

    He is Risen! Pastor Marty Grubbs gives a compelling message on the science and evidence behind God.

  • Easter 2023 - The Cartwrights

    Matt and Courtney Cartwright have been through it all. Their faith kept them in it.

    Watch this Easter 2023 story to see how your faith can anchor you in trials!

  • Palm Sunday 2023 - Take Up Your Cross

    Palm Sunday is an opportunity to examine the status of our relationship with Jesus. Are we taking up our cross as Jesus did? Or are we following in the footsteps of the Pharisees, constantly waiting for everyone around us to “mess up”? Watch this message from Senior Pastor Marty Grubbs to learn m...