Ep. 10 - Working to Further God's Kingdom: Katie Menzel
Katie Menzel shares her journey of being called to serve invest in the next generation.
Ep. 9 - Intertwined with Music: Jay Rouse
Jay Rouse shares how a call to serve the church through music has been his life's ministry and how God has continued to show him what true worship means.
Ep. 8 - Where Change Begins: Shari Murphy
Shari Murphy, LPC/LMFT is a licensed counselor and pastor at Crossings. She has spent almost two decades walking with people through the dark valleys of their life and believes that in these dark valleys, God brings healing and hope.
Ep 1: One Step at a Time
Ep 3: A Power Greater than Ourselves
Ep 4: When All Else Fails
Ep 5: Come Clean
Ep 6: Surrender
Ep 1: How’s That Working For You?
Ep 2: The Prince of Peace
Ep 3: Restoring Our Joy
Watch this message from Senior Pastor Marty Grubbs to learn about joy that sustains us in every circumstance.
Ep 5: Candlelight Service 2024
Ep 1: What If...
Purchase What If? by Ann Smith here: https://www.warnerpress.org/what-if
Ep 3: What If ... We Were Tired of Being Afraid?
Watch this message from Senior Pastor Marty Grubbs to learn how there are two kinds of fear: helpful or unhealthy.
Ep 4: What If ... We Believed God Is Always with Us?
Watch this message from Senior Pastor Marty Grubbs to hear how the story of Shadrack, Meshack, and Abednego reminds us that God is with us no matter our circumstances.
Ep 1: Sin ... Let's Understand It
Watch this message from Senior Pastor Marty Grubbs to learn what sin is and how Jesus offers us hope and forgiveness despite our sins.
Ep 2: The Spiritual Cancer of Pride
Ep 4: Sloth ...The Aggressive Pursuit of Nothing
Ep 5: Idols We Hope Will Bring Us Peace
What is an idol? It's easy to picture a golden calf or physical objects referenced as idols in the Bible, but idols still exist in our culture today. Watch this message from Senior Pastor Marty Grubbs to learn about modern day idols and how to identify them in your own life.
Ep 6: The Messy Challenges of Change
In this message from Senior Pastor Marty Grubbs, he uses the story of Lazarus to illustrate Jesus' invitation to all of us: to leave our sin behind and step into life and freedom through him. Watch Sunday's message to learn more.
Ep 1: What Is Faith?
Senior Pastor Marty Grubbs explores what faith is and how we can live out our faith.
Ep 2: Hope in a Broken World
In this message, Senior Pastor Marty Grubbs explained that hope is the anchor that sustains us through all of life's circumstances. Where do you place your hope? Watch this message to learn more.
Ep 3: Known By Love?
What does it look like to love like Jesus did? Watch this message from Senior Pastor Marty Grubbs to learn how we can be known by love to our neighbors, friends, and family.
Ep 1: Every Day Is A Gift
Our time on earth is short, which is why we must be intentional in how we spend it. Watch this message from Senior Pastor Marty Grubbs to learn more.