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Ep 7: Disordered Desires

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Ep 6: Grumbling or Gratitude

Andy Rauschkolb

Up Next in Andy Rauschkolb

  • Ep 7: Disordered Desires

    This Tuesday we wrapped up our "One Way or Another" series by talking about disordered desires. How the disordering of our desires impacts our life, and how we can reorder our desires as God created them to be.

  • So What? Disordered Desires

    This week on ""So What?"" we took a closer look at disordered desires, what they look like, how we can reorder them and how it impacts our lives. “So What?” is a podcast from The Gathering at Crossings Community Church. This podcast exists to help young adults navigate real life and cultural topi...

  • Ep 5: Honor One Another

    OKC Location Pastor Andy Rauschkolb discusses how we can honor one another because God first valued and honored us.