A Deeply Formed Life

A Deeply Formed Life

Jesus came to give us life, and life to the full. (John 10:10) So why does life so often feel….half-full? In this series we will look at the rhythms and practices that shaped the life of Jesus. What made His life so abundant? How can we step into the full life Jesus invited us to?

A Deeply Formed Life
  • God's Rest is the Best Rest

    In this message, "God's Rest Is The Best Rest" we talk about Sabbath and the true rest that Jesus invites us to.

  • How God's Word Changes Us

    In this message, "How God's Word Changes Us", Oakley Alva teaches us the importance of devoting to God's word, and benefit that it has on our walk with the Lord.

  • Committing to Community

    What does it look like to be "Committed to Community"? How does community impact our relationship with God? In this message Andy addresses how we form community and why it matters so much for the Christian.

  • The Process of Prayer

    At the root of a "Deeply Formed Life" is a "Process of Prayer". How can we as Christians cultivate our prayer life, and why is it vital to our walk with the Lord?

  • Freed to be Generous

    In this series "A Deeply Formed Life" we talk about fundamentals in the Christian life, this week we're talking about how we are "Free to Be Generous" and what living a life of generosity looks like.

  • A Heart of Hospitality

    In this message, Oakley Alva looks at 3 ways tonight that cultivating a heart of hospitality will allow us to both walk in the fullness of being known in relationships and serve others like Jesus to show our lonely world the tangible love of Christ.